How Fabel generated 30% more content than expected using inzpire me

Influencer style image
Influencer style image

The challenge

Fabel is a Norwegian subscription service that provides you with thousands of audiobooks to entertain you — whether you’re hiking in the mountains, or waiting for a train! They wanted to collaborate with book lovers to create quality content, helping to promote them as the platform of choice for audiobooks. To help spread the word about Fabel’s services, they turned to inzpire me to run an influencer marketing campaign. Their goals were to:

  • Drive brand awareness and recognition with relevant target groups in Norway
  • Share benefits of their audiobook subscription service

The solution

Our customer success team set up an “always-on” campaign with Norway-based influencers to post 1 post and 4 stories monthly on Instagram for 16 weeks. A mixture of medium to larger sized profiles were used to generate the most brand awareness possible. To help Fabel achieve their goal, our strategy was to focus on:

  • Selecting the Right Influencers: Fabel sought to collaborate with passionate book lovers to inspire interest in audiobooks among audiences aged 25 and up. Our team identified influencers who demonstrated a true love for reading and verified their core followers matched Fabel’s target demographic using the inzpire me platform.
  • Creating Engaging Content: To resonate with Fabel’s audience, we had influencers share weekly stories about how they’ve incorporated Fabel into their daily routines. They highlighted the audiobooks they listened to during outdoor activities or while tackling mundane tasks.

The results

The campaign was a big hit! Fabel received over 30% more content than expected. The creators chosen for the campaign were able to produce creative and authentic content, sharing their audiobook recommendations in a variety of environments. And on top of that, the content resonated well with Fabel’s target audience, leading to some great results.

  • 86,300 total audience reached
  • 11,100 total engagements
  • 700,090 total impressions
  • €20.90 CPM, 16% lower than our benchmark

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