The influencer marketing platform for brand impact

The platform for brands to efficiently and strategically manage influencer collaborations from start to finish.

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Watch how it works – in 79 seconds

Search our database of 20,000+ vetted creators, access in-depth influencer insights, and get matched with the best profiles for your brand. Manage influencers effortlessly and track content and performance in real time – no more chasing influencers.

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Match with top creators in the Nordics

Easily find the right influencers for your brand with advanced filters and AI brand matchmaking. Save your favourite profiles to shortlists for current or future campaigns. Access unique influencer insights straight from leading social platforms to help you choose the right profiles, including:

  • Audience demographics: Age, location, gender
  • Performance: Reach, engagements, impressions
  • Ratings and reviews
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Take control of the influencer marketing process from start to finish

Use our AI powered campaign builder to craft an effective brief in minutes. Manage your creators and monitor campaigns effortlessly, from onboarding and negotiations, to content approval and payments.

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Build relationships with your chosen creators

Build meaningful relationships with creators in your own personal messaging system. Book and communicate efficiently with a structured overview of all your collaborations and messages. Engage with creators who've applied to your campaigns or signed up with your referral link, and are eager to work with you.

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Find all your sponsored content in one place

Get content and results automatically, directly from the leading social media channels. In your very own content library, find content from your collaborations directly after it's been published. Filter on channels, influencers or campaigns. See performance insights such as reach and engagement rates for each piece of content.

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Pay influencers securely – only when the work is done

Set a fair price on collaborations with our advanced pricing calculator optimised for ROI. Pay influencers with confidence through a safe and automatic payment system, only when influencers have finished the job.

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Check in on campaign results at any time

Unlock the full potential of your influencer marketing campaigns with our enhanced reporting dashboard. Compile detailed performance reports to make data-driven decisions in just one click:

  • Gain Actionable Insights: Access detailed metrics, CPM benchmarks and demographic data, to better understand and reach your target audience.
  • Track Video Performance: Analyse advanced metrics like view times, replay rates, and completion rates across platforms like TikTok, Reels, and Snap.
  • Customise and compare results: Easily filter results by specific date ranges, campaigns, and channels, and compare statistics using our content and creator tables.

Join the top brands in the Nordics

20,000+ collaborations between brands and creators have been executed through the inzpire me platform

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Trusted by over 200 brands
in the Nordics

Not sure how to get started?

Have a chat with us and explore how we can help your brand find the right influencers!